Monday, February 9, 2015

Results Powermeter study

Via the link below you can download the results of the Powermeter survey. Hope you enjoy it. If there are comments / questions, just let me know.

Thanks for your participation!!

Here the short summary:

The powermeter market is in general a very functional attribute driven market. However, different groups could be identified which differ in terms of the importance to give to each attribute. In this instance a more price oriented (‘’Low price’’) and a more functional (read technical) driven (‘’Engineers’’) segment were found with. In the middle of these two there was a ‘’Usability’’ segment. These 3 groups showed differences on several dimensions, but also w.r.t price perception.

Clearly each powermeter brand shows different strengths in terms of their brand funnel. In this sense marketing efforts should also be differentiated to areas in which the brand stays behind, i.e. shows bottlenecks compared to other brands and within the own brand purchase-loyalty funnel.

Segmentation is also what powermeter manufacturers look for of course. That is, there are simply different buyer groups, with different needs who all have a different budget they want to spend on a powermeter. So, here again some confirmation for a statement (DCRainmaker) ‘’If someone asks you what powermeter they should buy you can say: it depends’’