Yesterday I had a last race. It turned out to be a race of 54km 1.15h. The course was too easy; a lap of around 3 km and only 3 corners. No wind. So basically it is very hard to get away and with these kind of conditions you know it will end up in a sprint. Why? Because there are too many guys who can bridge a gap when conditions are OK. It's not a 'survival' kind of race so the sprinters will be there in the end. And so it was. Ended up 12th. Let's forget it quickly.
Race 1: 1.12h, VI 1.05, NP 297, AP 283, IF 0.928, AR 22%, Anaerobic 11%, Neuro 9%
Race 2: 1.03h, VI 1.12, NP 273, AP 243, IF 0.854, AR 51%, Anaerobic 7%, Neuro 19%
Race 3: 1.27h, VI 1.14, NP 292, AP 255, IF 0.911, AR 44%, Anaerobic 10%, Neuro 17%
Race 4: 1.28h, VI 1.13, NP 296, AP 262, IF 0.926, AR 37%, Anaerobic 11%, Neuro 14%
Race 5: 1.17h, VI 1.13, NP 290, AP 256, IF 0.983, AR 46%, Anaerobic 8%, Neuro 24%
Race 6: 1.11h, VI 1.12, NP 296, AP 266, IF 1.004, AR 31%, Anaerobic 14%, Neuro 18%
Race 7: 1.09h, VI 1.12, NP 296, AP 263, IF 0.97 ,AR 32%, Anaerobic 12%, Neuro 15%
Race 8: 1.22h, VI 1.23, NP 308, AP 249, IF 0.984 ,AR 46%, Anaerobic 8%, Neuro 20%
Race 9: 2.45h, VI 1.18, NP 259, AP 219, IF 0.826 ,AR 46%, Anaerobic 9%, Neuro 10%
Race 10: 1.15h, VI 1.15,NP 285, AP247, IF 0.912, AR 42%, Anaerobic 10%, Neuro 15%
Time for some reflection now. An overview and analysis of the season. Some things that went good, some things that went wrong with the goals I defined (and refined) beginning of this season. But first time for some fun rides. Next post will be on W'.
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