Saturday, November 23, 2013

TRs and Endurance

Last Tuesday TR Beacon was scheduled. "6x8-minute Steady State (95-99% FTP) repeats with 4-minute recoveries. Work intervals are spent very close to FTP/FTHR without exceeding it. " I had to keep cadence at least at 90 during the intervals.

I did the intervals as follows:
1) 290W, HR 152,cad 101
2) 297W, HR 154,cad 93
3) 304W, HR 160,cad 94
4) 297W,HR 160, cad 93

Last two minutes of the last 3 intervals I increased the cadence. As you can see this also caused HR bumps in the graphs. Its good to get cadence up at the end of those intervals: good for the heart/lung system.

On Wednesday I did TR Thunder again with the following data:
1) 274W, HR 145,cad 98
2) 283W, HR 148,cad 99
3) 272W, HR 144,cad 98
4) 289W,HR 151, cad 100
5) 274W,HR 148,cad 98
6) 288W,HR 154,cad 100
7) 255W,HR 151,cad 98
8) 295W,HR 152,cad 90

I tried to link this data to a previous Thunder workout I did but it was hard to find a relation with that one. I did that one at lower watts and hence lower HR. I tried to figure out whether I was doing more watts per HR but that wasn't the case. In the old Thunder workout I did 2w/HR and in this one 1.9W/HR. My HR also drifted less than in this workout. Well, what could be a reason for this is, that I did Beacon Tuesday evening en Thunder on Wednesday morning. Probably my legs weren't up for it. What also might be an explanation is that in the morning I see higher heart rates than later the day. Maybe that also has something do to with it. Anyway it was a good workout with good high cadence.
On Friday I did a 2.40h, 83km Endurance ride. NP 218, AP 207, HR 138, IF 0.7, PW HR 4.92%. I kept cadence on average at 95 which was good. tomorrow one more left: TR Lamarck. That will be a relatively hard one I suppose: 4 x 10 min @ FTP.

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