Monday TR Jepson. 4x8 minute intervals at 310 watt with 4 minutes rest in between. NP 274. I decided not to do this one at a high cadence since I was feeling still a bit ill (my lungs felt a bit sore) and I didn't want to push it too much. So a lower cadence with more emphasis on muscular strength. End of the workout I did feel a bit like 'gasping for air', but it was OK.
Today I did TR Mills. Hmmm. After my good experience with the Vo2max Billat workout (which could also have been just a good day...) this was a different one. Maybe also because I did not feel 100% yet, but anyway. "3 sets of 3x2-minute VO2max repeats each starting @ 120% FTP and finishing @ 110% FTP with 3-minute recoveries between intervals & 6-minute recoveries between sets of repeats" (Trainerroad). For me this meant 362 watt per interval. I did manage, but the last ones were hard....
1) 369 w, 147HR, 98 cad
2) 378 w, 154HR, 99 cad
3) 379 w, 155HR, 100 cad
4) 378 w, 154HR, 99 cad
5) 379 w, 155HR, 100 cad
6) 379 w, 159HR, 100 cad
7) 382 w, 157HR, 100 cad
8) 375 w, 157HR, 99 cad
9) 374 w, 159HR, 99 cad
Below an example of the Quadrant analysis. In Blue an example of the interval. All dots in Quadrant 2 represent the intervals. The three ' stripes' are the recovery periods all at low power and at higher at of cadence (for me). I would say: mission accomplished :)
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